What is expected from a Clown?
There are many ways to approach the Clown and I suggest to try as many as possible until you find your own way; even if curiosity pushes the human being to always discover new ways, at a certain point you realize that there is a main road.
More than a road, one can speak of a universe of universes, and this is not a metaphor; those who have already tackled this research with me already know this.
There is a place where everything is possible and this is that inner place that generates its own Clown, a magical place where the mind stops being only-mind, the body takes body and the heart starts beating. I fall in love every time I am in this place. We will try, together with the participants, to create pathways to this place which I consider the most vital state there is.
I am not interested in making people laugh, I am passionate about the human being, functioning, problems, brain, capacities, limits, generosity, emotions; more generally, it can be summed up by saying: the inner dynamics. The focus will be metamorphosis: a fundamental element of creation in the arts in general, but especially in clowning.
The teaching path includes:
Very intense basic physical training.
Development of Clown consciousness
Guided Clown and unClown improvisations.
Specific training.
Creation of a Clown performance.
Tears and smiles.
The ClownLAberlin starts with an intensive Clown Workshop
'Playing, Listening, Clowning'
on 15/16/17 November at Studio Flöz Berlin
--> To participate in ClownLAb, it is recommended to attend this workshop <--
The workshop is also open to those who do not wish to attend ClownLAb.
During the weekend we will learn the method we will use during the weekly course.
The weekly course will start from 18 November.
Space, Day and Time to be defined.
--> To participate in ClownLAb, it is mandatory to attend the workshop in September <--
When & where?
Workshop 'Playing, Listening, Clowning' - 180 euros
Fr 15. from 6 pm to 10 pm
Sa 16. and Su 17. from 11 am to 7 pm
ClownLAb - Location to be defined - 250 euros (10 meetings)
The weekly course will start the week after the workshop.
Space, Day and Time to be defined. Around 18/18,30 - 22/22,30
Workshop 'Playing, Listening, Clowning' - 180 euros
ClownLAb - Location to be defined - 250 euros (10 meetings)
More information and registration:
Willy - office@willytheclown.eu
To partecipate write a bit about yourself, about your motivation, please!
Your eventual artistic experiences, your interests and desires.
"Everything can be clown as long as it's not just fun"
Willy The Clown - willy@willytheclown.eu
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